Posts By: user

Data Convergence
Session1 Future Creative ConvergenceAs the third speaker of Session 1, Professor Oh Byung-geun of Yonsei University’s Department of Design and Arts gave a lecture on data convergence: visualization of knowledge.

Interactive Olfaction and Future Opportunities
A Study on the fusion of two sessions, sharing.In the first session 2 yeonsaja keio university yan of the (japan) yan, Professor interactive olfaction and future opportunities for the speaker under the theme.

Inside-Out & Outside-In: from the classroom to real-world experiences
Session2 Creative Convergence Study SharingAs the third speaker of Session 2, Joe Natapol Supawong, Professor of Assumption University, spoke on the subject of Inside-Out & Outside-In: from the classroom to real-world experiences.

Conformal antenna and wearability
Session2 Creative Convergence Study SharingSESSION 2 The third speaker, Professor Minyoung Suh of North Carolina State University, spoke on the topic of Conformal antenna and wearability.

Session 3: Wearable Tech Research
Session 3 : Wearable Tech ResearchProfessors at Sookmyung Women’s University gave a lecture on sharing wearable technology research.Professor Lim Ho-seon: Development of Wearable Tech Fashion Item Product Design and ManualProfessor Kim Hye-rim: Making and evaluating texture circuits using tapestriesProfessor Kim Min-jung: The Effect of Recognition on Life and Privacy Control on the Fourth Industrial RevolutionProfessor […]

김혜림 교수 ‘땀으로 전기 만드는 기술, 한국에서 등장’
연구자 의류학과 김혜림 교수 숙명여자대학교 의류학과, 창의융합 디자인연구소 소속의 김혜림 교수와 서강대학교 기계공학과 박정열 교수 공동연구진은 땀 흡수와 건조가 빠른 스포츠 섬유 소재를 기반으로 땀에 함유된 포도당을 전기에너지로 전환하는 방법을 개발하였다. 몸에서 분비되는 땀으로 지속적으로 전기에너지를 만드는 바이오 연료전지를 개발한 것으로, 땀으로 구동되는 전자 기기를 구현하기 위한 실마리가 될 것으로 기대된다. 땀이 공급되면 땀에 들어 […]