
Artificial Intelligence Convergence
Session1 Future Creative ConvergenceAs the first speaker of Session 1, CEO Jung Ji-hoon of DHP gave a lecture on the subject of Artificial Intelligence: Creativity in Artificial Intelligence and Human-AI Interaction.

Media Convergence
Session 1 Future Creative ConvergenceAs the second speaker of Session 1, CEO NeoCap Kim Kyung-dal gave a lecture on the topic of media convergence: changes in media topography and user contacts/ changes in the topography of the convergence era.

Data Convergence
Session1 Future Creative ConvergenceAs the third speaker of Session 1, Professor Oh Byung-geun of Yonsei University’s Department of Design and Arts gave a lecture on data convergence: visualization of knowledge.

Interactive Olfaction and Future Opportunities
A Study on the fusion of two sessions, sharing.In the first session 2 yeonsaja keio university yan of the (japan) yan, Professor interactive olfaction and future opportunities for the speaker under the theme.

Inside-Out & Outside-In: from the classroom to real-world experiences
Session2 Creative Convergence Study SharingAs the third speaker of Session 2, Joe Natapol Supawong, Professor of Assumption University, spoke on the subject of Inside-Out & Outside-In: from the classroom to real-world experiences.