의류학과 임호선 교수
숙명여자대학교 의류학과 부교수
COSD 섬유(K) TC133분야 전문위원
한국의류학회 편집위원
한국의류산업학회 이사, 편집위원
한국복식학회 이사
전남대학교 산학협력교수
(재)아이패션비즈센터, 선임연구원
연세대학교 의류과학연구소, 전문연구원
건국대학교 i-Fashion 의류기술센터, 박사후연구원
한국생산기술연구원, 신섬유개발본부실 환경염색가공팀 연구원
테크니컬디자인협회 자격증 운영위원
ISO TC133 Committee Member
North Carolina State University, Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, Instructor
Computer Technology for Textiles and Apparel (Part 3. Three-dimensional(3D) Technologies for Apparel and Textile Design), Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles/ Woodhead Publishing Limited. 출판
-Efficacy Research of Electrocardiogram and Heart Rate Measurement in Accordance with the Structure of the Textile Electrodes (Fibers and Polymers) SCIE
-Development of Textile Electrode for Electrocardiogram Measurement Based on Conductive Electrode Configuration (Fibers and Polymers) SCIE
-Drape Simulation of Three-Dimensional Virtual Garment Enabling Fabric Properties (Fibers and Polymers) SCIE
-The Development of an Automatic Pattern-Making System for Made-to-Measure Clothing (Fibers and Polymers) SCIE
-Comparative Assessment of Virtual Garments using Direct and Manual Avatars (The International Journal of Costume Culture)
-Advances in Chitosan Material and its Hybrid Derivatives: A Review (The Open Biomaterials Journal)
-Comparative Analysis of Body Measurement and Fit Evaluation between 2D Direct Body Measuring and 3D Body Scan Measuring (The International Journal of Costume Culture)
-Analysis of Body Measurement and Type using 3D Body Scan Data (The International Journal of Costume Culture)
-Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Moisture Movement Testers (Journal of Fashion Business)
-Artificial intelligent clothing embedded with digital technologies (Journal of Fashion Business)
-A Study of the Development Direction Factors for Mass Customization of Clothing based on Digital Fashion System (한국의류산업학회지)
-3D printed midsole design according to the sole types of elementary school students (복식문화연구)
-Development of 3D Printed Shoe Designs Using Traditional Muntin Patterns (한국의류산업학회지)
-아두이노를 활용한 사용자 참여형 스마트 포토닉 의류 프로토타입 설계 (한국의류산업학회지)
-3차원 인체스캐너를 이용한 거들 착용에 따른 인체 형상 단면도와 실루엣 변화 분석 (복식문화연구)
-국내 의류 브랜드 업체의 오더 의뢰방식에 관한 실태조사 -서울시 의류브랜드 업체를 중심으로- (한국의류산업학회지)