What is it?
The “Creative Convergence Awards” was created to encourage and continue supporting creative convergence researches that are being conducted by undergraduates, graduate students and researchers working at universities around the world. The goal is to encourage young researchers to integrate their ideas into various interdisciplinary fields, and to create an international research platform to promote exchanges among researchers so that they can continue their research more creatively.
Applicants will submit the subject and the summary of the study. If the application is approved afterward, the applicants should submit a research paper to this award within the deadline that would undergo a review process. Applicants that win the award will have the opportunity to present at the Conference of Creativity and Convergence held in the spring, and also post their papers in the Journal of Creative Convergence, which is published twice a year.
First Prize : ₩700,000 (About $500 US dollar), trophy & certification
2 Finalists: ₩300,000 (About $250 US dollar), trophy & certification
7 Semi-Finalist: ₩100,000 (About $70 US dollar), certification
What’s involved?
Winners will be contacted in May 2022. Selected winners will be given a 15-minute on-line presentation at the Conference of Creativity and Convergence. Detailed information about the presentation will be informed. Also, award-winning and nominated papers are going to be published in Journal of Creativity and Convergence.
Research Categories
Creative convergence encompasses a variety of fields, but also newly proposed fields are welcomed. Moreover, it is possible to propose a new convergence category.
Culture & Design
Creative Education
New Technology & Media
Gender Convergence
Who can apply?
To qualify, all applicants must be attending undergraduates, graduates, or graduate students of higher education institutions. Only research papers written in English or Korean may apply.
Important dates
Application deadline on March 15th, 2023 (Thesis submission due by March 31st)
Thesis review in April, 2023
Winners notified in May-June, 2023
The paper will be published in the Journal of Creativity and Convergence in June 30, 2023
Judging Criteria
A paper will be reviewed by a panel of judges according to the following criteria.
Relevance to the focus of creative convergence research
The overall level of research
Logicality and usefulness of research
Creativity with in research
Judging panel
Jisun Lee
Sookmyung Women’s University
Joe Nattapol Suphawong
Assumption University, Thailand
Joce Nuttall
Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australia
Youngmi Ha
New York University, USA
Yan Yan
Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University
Award Journal Judging panel
Jisun Lee
Sookmyung Women’s University
Eunjoo Yoon
Sookmyung Women’s University