Research Institute for Creativity and Convergence
In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, represented by artificial intelligence and big data, convergence research that can contribute to mankind’s prosperity and sustainability with critical and creative intelligence and empathy skills is urgent.
The institute pursues design convergence to create new value through a synergistic combination of various disciplines and technologies. Research Institute for Creativity and Convergence was established to conduct and develop creative convergence research focusing on fields such as technology, culture and arts, creative education, and gender convergence based on design convergence.

Message from the director
In celebration of the 114th anniversary of Sookmyung Women’s University, the research institute was established in the spring of 2020, to create new values through a synergistic combination of various disciplines, technologies, and accelerate creative convergence research as a focus.
We want to contribute to the promotion of convergence research with new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data that are representing the era of the 4th industrial revolution, and design by forming creative critical thinking and empathy to contribute to mankind’s prosperity and sustainability.
Thank you.
Director of Research Institute for Creativity and Convergence

Through the synergistic combination of various disciplines and technologies, we intend to revitalize convergence research, focusing on design as a methodology to create a new value. The results of creative convergence research in fields such as technology, culture and arts, creative education, and gender convergence are reflected in the higher education system. We intend to actively create and develop new fields of convergence, and ultimately pursue the development of sustainable research with creativity and diversity.
Based on the creative convergence design that leads the 21st century, beyond the level of cooperation between majors, we support researchers in specialized fields capable of convergence research to gather together to conduct convergence research. Besides, the institute intends to support convergence research through collaboration between academic majors and between academics and industry.
Through this, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future as a member of the international community by leaping forward as Korea’s leading convergence research institute and a globally competitive research institute.